How Well Do You Know Burritos? Check Out These Facts!

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Burritos are a staple of Mexican food, and they are a favorite for both eating in and on-the-go ordering. There are several fast-food-style restaurants dedicated to serving made-to-order burritos. You know that ones we mean; we’ve all been to them. While these places are quick and easy, they’re not the same as enjoying a burrito from a restaurant that serves authentic Mexican food. If you’re craving a great burrito, you need to visit us at Don Ramon!


Are you ready for great Mexican food? Whet your appetite with these fun facts about burritos!

  • The word burrito means “little donkey.” There are multiple stories that explain the origin of this name, but no one knows for sure how it originated. Some claim the burrito was named after the pack animal, while others say it was a nickname for neighborhood children.
  • Americans like burritos more than Mexicans. In the United States, burritos are one of the most popular foods in Mexican restaurants. In Mexico, however,  the burrito is just another item in the rich tapestry of Mexican cuisine. You’re much more likely to find regional specialties than Tex-Mex-style burritos.
  • Burritos in Mexico are much simpler and smaller than in the United States. We’re used to seeing fat burritos stuffed with lots of ingredients. In Mexico, burritos are much smaller and contain fewer ingredients. They are skinnier and have meat, beans, and veggies inside at most.


Who knew there was so much to know about burritos? Check out a few more facts:

  • There’s burrito etiquette. Eating a burrito can be pretty messy, but there’s a “burrito-eating etiquette” that lets other diners know you’re trying your best. Taking small bites and holding the burrito horizontally helps keep the ingredients intact and prevents them from spilling everywhere.
  • Burritos are the official food of the city of Juárez, Mexico. According to some origin stories, the first burritos were made in Juárez, a northern city that borders Texas. Today, they are still a popular meal.
  • Heating the tortillas makes them less likely to break. If you watch a pro make a burrito, you’ll see them steam or grill the tortilla for a few seconds first. This makes the tortilla more pliable and stretchy so it doesn’t split and spill fillings everywhere.
  • “Burrito” made it into the Oxford English Dictionary in 1958. That’s how you know something has firmly claimed its place in global cuisine!


Come to Don Ramon for delicious and authentic Mexican food! Visit us in Merrimack or order online to enjoy at home.